DREAM OF DEATH CITY published today!

This is Poppy here, aka PJ Nwosu, author of Dream of Death City.

Right now I am sitting in a remote little seaside house on the very remote, sparse and beautiful Yorke Peninsula down near the bottom of the world (or at least, sort of near the bottom of Australia, haha) and I am quite freaking excited because ….

… today is …



So yes, DREAM OF DEATH CITY is out in the world and officially published today!

(I am totally not freaking out. Nope. Not at all! … Maybe I am freaking out a little bit, haha)

So I am excitedly (and nervously) inviting you to, if you want, purchase my new dark fantasy book DREAM OF DEATH CITY, which is officially published today!

If you want to, you can buy it here:

Ebook / paperback from Amazon

Ebook / paperback from B&N

Ebook from Apple

Ebook from Kobo

Paperback from Booktopia

Or don’t forget you can also request your local librarian and library, or your local bookstore orders it in for you!

I am a massive library fangirl, so ordering it at your local library would make my day!


If you enjoy my slightly odd writing and history updates, please subscribe to my newsletter for much, much more of my random bits and pieces

PJ Nwosu writes dark mystery novels set in epic fantasy worlds.

Free Fantasy Fiction Gift

A vast, rotting city set aflame by Purge House.
A crowd gathers in the shadow of the Red Palace to watch the pyres burn.

A bitter ex-soldier infiltrates the city’s greatest gold house, determined to locate the slave he seeks. 

Diem Lakein might not like what he finds. 

Welcome to the Red Kingdom

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