Weird sparse landscapes and fun books

Walking in weird neighbourhoods and reading strange books this week! And taking a closer look at my writing space!

My lovely husband walking by the river. We live in a dry, sparse, industrial area, but it’s got its own kind of windswept beauty, I reckon 😻

Reading this week

Here is a photo of my current read, which is an urban fantasy novel called DAVID MOGO GODHUNTER by author Suyi Davies Okungbowa.⁠
This story is set in Lagos in Nigeria, and is about a demi-god who gets involved in a dangerous job (god hunting!). It’s written in a real noir-style, in first person present tense, and I really love the setting.⁠
I’ve been wanting to delve into some Nigerian fiction for awhile, and so recently got myself a bunch of books that I am going to be working through. I picked up some dystopian fantasy, a bit of scifi and also this urban fantasy.
This author also has a newer (end of 2021, I believe) epic fantasy book out, as well, so I’m also interested in that. I imagine it will be in a very different style to this more noir feeling story.⁠

My writing space. ⁠😻
These are some pretty pictures I’ve been taping up to keep me feeling inspired as I write fiction at my desk (using local artist Em Niwa’s gorgeous washi tape to stick everything up … not sure if its good for the wall, but it has to be better than blue tack, haha! Maybe πŸ€”).⁠
So from left to right, we have:⁠

  • The ultimate forever hero Luke Skywalker, in a scene from one of my favourite movies in the world, EMPIRE STRIKES BACK. ⁠
  • A beautiful fairytale illustration by Kay Neilson. β πŸŒ™.
  • Two pieces on the far right (pink shells and blue lady) by Em Niwa πŸ˜» I adore all her artwork so much.⁠
  • And down the bottom is a random skull … which weirdly is by Van Gogh. Not his usual thing, but I really like it.⁠

So there you go. My wall of inspiration :)⁠


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PJ Nwosu writes dark mystery novels set in epic fantasy worlds.

Free Fantasy Fiction Gift

A vast, rotting city set aflame by Purge House.
A crowd gathers in the shadow of the Red Palace to watch the pyres burn.

A bitter ex-soldier infiltrates the city’s greatest gold house, determined to locate the slave he seeks. 

Diem Lakein might not like what he finds. 

Welcome to the Red Kingdom

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