Writing Update: Dark Fantasy

So I’ve been busy lately!

Finished a manuscript!

Firstly, I FINALLY finished the historical fantasy/mystery novel I have been working on for the last few months. The manuscript is as clean and polished as I can get it, and has now been sent off for a second opinion from my agent. I am super nervous to see if it works, or if it needs further changes to the plot. For those that are new and haven’t been following along, this current manuscript is for a historical fantasy project unrelated to my Red Kingdom series.

Red Kingdom Book 2:

The exciting news, is now that other manuscript is off my desk, it is time for me to dive back into my Red Kingdom world and get stuck into book 2 in my dark fantasy series.

I am not starting from scratch, as I do have a super rough (INSANELY ROUGH!) first draft down already but it needs MAJOR rewrites to bring it up to scratch, and really requires a huge amount of world-building to be added in. In fact, this draft was initially written before I’d made all my final decisions about the history and culture of my Red Kingdom world, which is why this first draft needs such drastic rewriting.

Haha, the joy of being a writer! 

So at the moment, what this all looks like is research, research, research … which is actually super fun for me ๐Ÿ™‚

I am getting more and more fascinated by history all the time, and I especially love that in order to delve deeper into my own dark fantasy world, I really get to explore further about our own world and history. So lately, I’ve been looking into all sorts of things for book inspiration, including medieval mindset and ideas around medieval bodies, listening to podcasts about the East India Company and the Ottoman Empire, and even doing a little mini-course about the types of divination practiced in the ancient world. 

I don’t quite know yet what will make its way into book 2. Definitely not everything, but I like to take a scattergun approach and see what sticks.

On top of the research, I did some actual writing this week, too, and started working on a mini-history of the Red Kingdom, which will most likely be used as part of Book 2 of my series. 

I’m excited to share more about my Red Kingdom world with you … including the cultures of their neighbouring countries, which will be touched on in this next installment!

This writing update appeared already in my newsletter a few weeks ago, so if you’d like to be better kept up to date with my writing progress, please sign up below ๐Ÿ™‚


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PJ Nwosu writes dark mystery novels set in epic fantasy worlds.

Free Fantasy Fiction Gift

A vast, rotting city set aflame by Purge House.
A crowd gathers in the shadow of the Red Palace to watch the pyres burn.

A bitter ex-soldier infiltrates the cityโ€™s greatest gold house, determined to locate the slave he seeks. 

Diem Lakein might not like what he finds. 

Welcome to the Red Kingdom

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