History Podcast Recommendation: Empire

So, recently, a friend of mine (who knows I love a good bit of well-told history) recommended a podcast called Empire (hosted by Anita Anand and William Dalrymple). 

I listened to the entire first season in one week (which was about 20 hours, haha). The podcast is so riveting, and even if you think the history doesn’t sound exciting to you or maybe you are not so crazy for history in general, I’d still encourage you to give it a try. 

Empire‘s first season covers the rise and fall of the East India Company, Britain’s occupation of India, and a lot about India itself, including how partition came to be. It is well balanced, unbiased and truthful, and the history is both heartbreaking and fascinating, and so well told.

I LOVED it, and prior to this must admit I really knew absolutely nothing about any of this history, but the stories contained within these episodes are just incredible (and most heartbreaking).

So, just to try and convince you, here are some of the stories you will encounter in the podcast:

  • cursed diamond that turns the life of any man who wears it to ashes.
  • Terrible, awful massacres, and a man who survives one, and then twenty years later, via Mexico, America and England, tracks down and assassinates the man who gave the order to shoot into an un-armed crowd.
  • An Indian princess (pictured below with her sisters) who became a radical agitator and suffragette
  • And you know … heaps, heaps more.

It’s sooooo good!

Below is a photo of Princess Sophia and her sisters Bamba and Catherine. Their story is fascinating.


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PJ Nwosu writes dark mystery novels set in epic fantasy worlds.

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A vast, rotting city set aflame by Purge House.
A crowd gathers in the shadow of the Red Palace to watch the pyres burn.

A bitter ex-soldier infiltrates the city’s greatest gold house, determined to locate the slave he seeks. 

Diem Lakein might not like what he finds. 

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