Dark fantasy writing update

Well, like I said in an earlier post, I’ve had a big life change recently, which is returning to a full-time day job, after being only part-time for the last four years. It’s definitely the right choice for my little family, but it will mean some adjustment to my writing schedule, so I’ll have a bit less time from now on.

However, I am determined to carve out writing time no matter what, so I really hope you can all bear with me even if I’m a little slower than I’d hoped. I promise I’m still working hard on book 2 in my Red Kingdom series.

In fact, I am feeling really excited about my progress on this book lately, especially both the mystery element and the world-building feel like they are coming together, and I am loving the opportunity to create the new culture and traditions of the far northern city where the new book takes place, called Bird Fortress. 

I really can’t wait to share this one with you all in the future, but for now, I thought I’d include a short excerpt of the (unedited nor proofed, haha) prologue of book 2.

Read on for a sneak peak of the opening paragraphs of book 2 in my Red Kingdom series 🙂


Soldier Diem Lakein leaned against the fortress barricade. Before him, the mouth of the Cataract River stretched vast where it met the swirling ocean, as waves crashed against the garrison’s painted stone walls.
The sun slid higher, and a hot wind carried the taste of salt as black gulls wheeled overhead.

Diem lifted a hand to shade his eyes, watching the horizon. A thread of sour unease unfurled within his belly.

It was his second time as a conscripted soldier, and though Diem didn’t have anywhere better to be, he still hadn’t been pleased to find himself stationed at the tiny watchtower of Salt River Garrison. Hemmed in by looming peaks of the Red Spine range behind and the churning sea ahead, Diem lived his monotonous days watching the horizon. 

On hollow nights he witnessed colossal shapes of death giants roaming the deep sea, and sometimes even the occasional lost black sail trade vessel, engaged in illegal business.

Mostly though, he saw an empty horizon.

Until today.

‘What’s dead is dead and all shall die.’ The ritual words escaped Diem’s lips without thought, dread fogging his mind.

Because black ships swarmed the horizon, drawing closer.

This second book will have a new, creepy murder mystery to be solved, more crooked beat and weird lore, and the shadow of impending invasion and war. 

I can’t wait to share more about Thora and Diem’s next journey with you. 

I’m pretty nasty to them in this one, haha.


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PJ Nwosu writes dark mystery novels set in epic fantasy worlds.

Free Fantasy Fiction Gift

A vast, rotting city set aflame by Purge House.
A crowd gathers in the shadow of the Red Palace to watch the pyres burn.

A bitter ex-soldier infiltrates the city’s greatest gold house, determined to locate the slave he seeks. 

Diem Lakein might not like what he finds. 

Welcome to the Red Kingdom

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